Monday, February 25, 2013

Wildcard night: Pizza! Also, Ai Weiwei

I have always been a fan of making pizza dough at home.  When I was growing up, my dad would make pizza almost every Saturday. He would make the dough in the morning, then take us to horseback riding lessons or track meets or ballet rehearsals and by the time we got home, the dough was risen and it was easy to put together the toppings and make a quick dinner. He would put the dough in the oven to rise and put notes with funny little poems on the dial so no one would turn on the oven and prematurely cook the dough.

Eli made some pizza dough a few weeks ago that we ended up not using, so we froze it per Mark Bittman's instructions. I was a little skeptical that this might ruin the dough, but actually it was no problem. We made two pizza pies: One was argula, sundried tomatoes, and pesto (delicious), the other was chicken sausage, carmelized onions, mushrooms (DELICIOUS), and both had fresh mozzarella and a bit of ricotta cheese.

And because man cannot live on pizza alone, we went to see the Ai Weiwei exhibit at the Hirshhorn Museum (which is free, thank you federal government and Smithsonian Institution). These pictures are nowhere near as amazing as the exhibit, plus I didn't even take pictures of some of the most incredible pieces -- photos of his time in New York during the AIDS epidemic, a wall with the names of the many hundreds of children who died when their schoolhouses collapsed during the earthquake in China, and a sculpture of ancient stools that I can't really explain. So you should just come to DC before March 17 and I will go see the exhibit again with you.

Images of China after the earthquake
Series of images smashing a really old vase

Rebar collected after the earthquake

The houses and the floor are made of tea! When this was first installed, it had a really strong smell, you could still get a little whiff of the tea when you were very close to the piece.

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