Monday, April 1, 2013

The Return: Cavalcade O' Dinner

Alas many of our culinary trials and tribulations have been lost to history and the computer virus on my phone.  But all is not lost. Behold some of the past weeks' accomplishments:

A super legitimate soul food diner that we discovered through Road Food.  On the menu on a recent Saturday half smokes (ostensibly D.C. speak for hot link), fried pork chops (amazing), apples cooked in something that makes them pure candy and maybe pork fat, biscuits (dense but mighty flavorful/lardful).


  • This looks like a sad one.

As best as I recall this is overly broiled chicken sausage, chop
salad, and some kind of omelet. Whoppedeedoo.

  • Bread!

  • Simple Chicken dinner
Using Bittman, we made this great chicken dinner where you make a chicken soup but don't overcook the meat. Once the chicken is poached you can serve as a soup or separate into courses. The first time we made this we separately had a broth (spiced up with vinegar and egg), cabbage, and the chicken.

  • I'm not sure what this is, but it looks good. Seems to have queso fresco and avocado.

  • This is a baked egg dish where you bake eggs atop of potatoes, home made crutons, and spinach. 

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