Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Starch Night: Braised Potatoes

Inspired by Bittman,  braising potatoes is all the rage in the Bowen/Wykell household. After frying up some chunks of potatoes (3 peeled) in olive oil and butter, I threw in minced onion, minced garlic, minced parsley mushrooms, salt, and pepper. I then remembered the kilebasa in the fridge and threw that in too.  Wait a minute and dump in a cup of beer (Modelo this time), a cup of water, and a cup of stock. Boil then simmer. Wait 20 minutes.  Business time.  

Oh, I also threw in some sauted kale at the end.  This was a bit of happenstance, as I was testing my theory that salting kale would make it suitable for raw consumption in a salad.  That did not pan out.  But this did. . .

1 comment:

  1. Raw kale salad requires massaging. Use some olive oil and/or lemon juice along with your salt and you should be set. http://www.thekitchn.com/raw-kale-salad-massage-it-172902
