Sunday, February 3, 2013

Fish night: Mexican-inspired shrimp soup

Eli made another delish brothy Mark Bittman soup. He took the shells and heads off a pound of shrimp and used that to amp up a vegetable broth. Then we just sauteed up some shrimp, garlic, lime zest, and corn (frozen kernels from Trader Joes, not bad), cooked it in the broth, and put some lime juice and salt at the end. The whole thing was done in about 45 minutes and was really comforting and tasty.

This was a variation--I think the original recipe had ginger, lemongrass, and maybe some sesame oil instead of the corn and lime. I bet that would be good, too.

It was good this was a quick recipe because as soon as we were done eating we were off to Sixth and I Historic Synagogue to see Marc Maron live!

Sixth and I was built in the early twentieth century and so is one of the oldest synagogues in D.C. The congregation left for a new building in the 50's and sold the synagogue to Turner Memorial A.M.E. Church, which later moved out to Maryland. The building was advertised as for sale to turn into a nightclub but some historians and developers managed to save the building. Now, Sixth and I has all kinds of speakers, cultural programming, and Jewish stuff, too.

The space is beautiful (see ceiling picture to the right) and Marc Maron was awesome. The best part was when he was really thrown off by doing his show in a synagogue. The second best part was when he was really thrown off because he realized a 13-year old girl was in the audience. Check out his podcast--he told great stories about some good shows coming up.

Marc Maron

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