Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Valentines night: Seafoodstravaganza

After our trip to Chicago last week, we arrived home late on Wednesday for a meal of (of course) yuca con chicarron from our local Pollo Sabroso.

Then on Thursday we headed off to work. My office got super into Valentines Day and so I enjoyed a bounty of sweets--cheap chocolate hearts left on my desk by the building management company (or really, the cleaners), those chalky message hearts, and a really delicious cupcake from a colleague.

I was thinking about cooking some simple soup but lo and behold I came home and Eli had made a surprise feast for me! He roasted some little potatoes, cooked up some collard greens, and steamed mussels, shrimp and LOBSTER in white wine, garlic, and parsley with some lemon on top. What a guy.

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