Sunday, February 10, 2013

Time Machine Night: Da Super Bowl

Da Super Bowl was Super Awesome.  Molly and I went superfeast on this one.  Lost in a sea of delusion  and excitement we prepared an insane spread despite only having three guests.

What went down

  •   Wings (duh):   For da wings we turned to my childhood friends Max and Eli Sussman.  Despite the growing popularity of the name "Eli", whenever I see Eli we nonetheless continue to enjoy the novelty of having the same name and making others uncomfortable. Here is Max and Eli discussing their love of food. Max is the one who looks like he lives in Brooklyn because he does, and Eli is the one who looks like Michael Douglas in the movie "Falling Down."  

The recipe, available in their stupendous cookbook  involved marinating wings in a boatload of sriracha and buffalo type hot sauce (I used Crystal cause I'm no fool) along with lime zest and lime juice.  The recipe called for grilling, but it's Winter and I live in an apartment without a grill. So we turned to the trusty grill pan after 24 hours of marinating and did it up.  These were really great. The lime zest really added a nice zing and there was heat but not to the detriment of the sauce or chicken's flavor.  There are a few other recipes from these two fine Jews that we are looking forward to trying out. 

  • Spreads: Here is where things start getting out of control:
    • Blue cheese dip: sour cream, blue cheese, a bit of milk, pepper
    • Midwestern Guacamole: We got this recipe from our friend Kelley who credits her mother with the recipe. Personally, I credit the genetic fabric of the Great Lakes with combining the great features of guacamole with dairy products.  The recipe calls for mixing 4 avocados with 8oz cream cheese, and a lime or lemon.  We subbed in non-fat yogurt for the cream cheese and used four huge avocados de hoy from our local Progresso Market Internacional.  Quite spectacular.
    • Roasted Red Pepper & Garlic Dip: Home roasted red pepper and garlic w/ cream cheese. This was good, but I think cream cheese based dips is a bit much for me. I will use yogurt if we do this again.  
    • Salsa: from a jar.
  • Chips: Fritos Scoops (tastes like a middle school locker but somehow still delicious), Tostillos scoops, veggies, and our guest Kyle brought BLT flavored potato chips (sorry but gross, Kyle redeemed himself with a package of Reeses peanut butter cup cookies and by assuming the title of Lord of Catan during the second half).
  • Drinks: Michelada: 2/3 beer (in our case modelo especial),1/3 clamato, tobasco to taste, and lime juice.  February or August, this drink is the most relaxing concoction that can be imbibed. 
  • Dessert: Zack hooked us up with some brownie bites and frankly those Reeses cookies were all gone before what one could politely call dessert. 
Good times and most likely day after lower G.I. problems were had by all. 

Stay tuned for the tale of the unmade pizza.

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