Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fish Night: Catfish & Greens

This week Molly and I are experimenting with making mediocre food that's not all that good for eating.

We started on Monday with this meal of catfish, greens, and leftover-rice. The greens were actually awesome, because greens are always awesome. Here's how it all went down.

I stated with the greens, sauteed and then simmered for about half an hour in all this good stuff=======>

I have never met a simmered collared green with vinegar that I did not like. [Score: no leftovers]

Now the catfish was another story. The attempt: simple sauteed catfish to serve with our leftover rice. The result; a surprisingly bland and greasy bite. [Score: edible]

That plate was kinda purrty.

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