Saturday, May 4, 2013

Wagon's West: Beef Jerky

Welcome to Married & Hungry: The Honeymoon Series (Adventure Pants Away!)

Our journey begins in a cold April Morning in suburban Chicago.  Chicago greeted us with the most peculiar weather,  flash floods followed by light snow. 

We embarked on what will be a three and a half week trip across the American West.  Armed with a subcompact car, one and a half voracious appetites, we set off to see America's unending beautiful and bountiful tasty snacks.

Refusing to be at the mercy of the road,  we set out with some serious snacks in hand.  Adapting a beef jerky recipe found online, we made our own.

First we froze a bit of top round for thin slicing.

 Next we decided to marinate in a dry rub.  Using some Brisket of Love spice mixture we got as a wedding present, as well as some homemade concoctions once that ran out, we encased the meat in spice, then left it to marinate for 24 hours.

Six hours later: tasty time!

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